The Ultimate Cheating Boyfriend Test

By Mary Jane Walker

1.) Has your boyfriend become distant, insensitive, or increasingly irritable lately? Cheating is stressful, even for the cheater, and this increased pressure can make a boyfriend less focused on being loving and more focused on covering their tracks.

2.) Has your boyfriend's appearance or personal tastes suddenly changed? Anyone, upon entering a new relationship, is likely to alter something about his or her routine or style. If the change is dramatic or especially sudden, something may be up.

3.) Have you noticed "off" boyfriend behavior? Your boyfriend used to be the sole of punctuality. Now he's always late. His work has suffered. He seems distracted or generally out of sorts. All of these can be indicators that something more suspicious is going on.

4.) Has your relationship dynamic shifted? In other words, has fighting increased or become below-the-belt? Do you feel like communication is less effective or has it halted altogether?

5.) Does your boyfriend seem less interested in maintaining the relationship or making it better? Although few boyfriends love to sit down and discuss a relationship's status, a boyfriend who is entirely adverse to the idea or unwilling to put in necessary relationship "work" may be looking for an easy way out.

6.) Have friends noticed changes in your boyfriend or commented on your relationship? A good friend is normally one who doesn't point out glaring flaws in your chosen beau. However, if your friends, or even your boyfriend's friends, have remarked on changes in your relationship or shown concern, they may know something you do not.

Click here to take the complete ultimate boyfriend test and learn more about winning and maintaining a lasting, loving relationship!

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